this month brings a nice little mix of differing philosophical depths...
"This song has been in my head for 3 years. Seriously, when I was 4, this song was in my head."
"It's an unredoable mistake."
"Algebra isn't hard. Smartness is making the right choices."
"It can't be exactly the same."
"All it takes to be wise is to admit that you don't know everything." Jacob, 2nd grade
"I don't know! I'm not a kid! I'm a mature grown adult." Emilio, 5th grade
"There's no such thing as perfect. There's no such thing as stop dying. You are always dying."
(Me: "Let's sound it out.") "You can spell it-you're an adult." Noah, 2nd grade
"Are Jack Johnson and Michael Jackson related?" Maria, age 3
"What in the world is Bugs Bunny?"
"Billy Ocean invented the moonwalk and Michael Jackson stole it." Kaylee, 4th grade
"(He) just hit me in the nuts. You know, those little round things down there." Gustavo, kinder
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