Possibly the quickest turnaround for the quote blog...but Maggie came to town for our birthdays and the Cubs series, so most of these come from the walk to Coors Field, the stands, the Rockpile, or driving down Colfax in my trusty '96 Honda. As I drove home last night, the corner of 22nd & Blake seemed mighty different.
"Tanks for Jesus? That's our new band name." -JRe on my mumbly singing
"Arthur Ashe? I'm pretty sure that's a tennis player." -Jess on the Hash twins
"And he's black." -Jill
"In my mind, it's pretty straight. And it also looks like a pig." -Jessica on the US/Canadian border
(insert my bewildered & incredulous facial expressions)
"I'm sorry, did I say that out loud? I've never told anyone that I thought that." -Jess
"No, you mean you're different." -Maggie on judging
"I'm gonna be straight up with you. I know more about the world than he does." -a Beekman truth joke
"I'm just looking for some guud times." -Maggie on team loyalty (how dare she?)
"It's like a beat up FORD..." -Maggie on my ill-working power locks
"It's a Honda and you know that." -me
"Well, it's got to be some kind of conviction. Religious or prison, it's something." -Maggie on life choices
"There are radishes and there are nipples." -Rachel Lee on madlibs
"This gentleman getting into this cab right here just came up with the greatest porn site ever: White Belt Black Ass." -AndrewN (yup, i saw him again)
"Get off my nuts about the water." -Maggie on hydration
"I'll punch her. I'll boob punch her. Because I'm allowed to." -Micah on sisters
"Do you want me to go over there and take care of those lesbians with the horn?" -me on the viivvvvooosoccer things
"See. Butt sex. Not that bad." -Micah on OCD
"Super sweet goat....what's that about?" -Lowedown on texts
"People from Illinois-we're all assholes." -Jaci on the 309 (holler. i'll claim it.)
"How long will British Jill be with us?" -Maggie on annoyance
"I'd take some undercarriage. Right now it's all crotch." -Micah on 92 degrees and metal
"Here's the thing: That's something I don't care about." -JRe on innings
"Unacceptable. UN-Acceptable! UNACCEPTABLE!" -Micah on Cubs fans & Steve Goodman
"If there's one thing I've learned, you take a knee when a player gets hurt.!" -Micah on Fowler
"You can't talk that loud. This thing goes way back." -Jim on Micah's rage
"Better than no boyfriend at all. Of all the guys you had to pick." -Maggie on TYB & CFU
"I go home every 4 months. For beer." -new friend Krista on New Glarus
"After 34 years, you'd think I wouldn't be so surprised by this." -me on game 3
"That you lost?" -Micah
"Now, how it makes me feel."
"If something feel good, go ahead and indulge." -Kari on wobbly extension
Micah said I needed to ask you about Brittish accents.
My inner monologue has had one for a week now (it sounds mostly like Frankie Boyle). I blame it on my recent excessive enjoyment of British comedy panel shows.
I come back to this post rather often. Hilarity ensues, as it is guaranteed to do when you combine Jill and Mags. Love it!
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