Saturday, August 8, 2009

"I just like chasing girls. With balls."

...ah yes, a quote from JD uttered during a recent(ish) kickball game. he decided to run the ball in from right field, as opposed to throwing it to the basemen. good times, indeed. joining a kickball team is one of the items on my "to do" list that i've actually honored. no mind that travels, working, and weddings have kept me from attending many games.

i've got a backlog of things to type, but let's face it: i'm a bad blogger. (alas, school will start in less than 3 weeks. those kids will guarantee at least a clever story per week.) i had intended to write an entertaining bit about my 12-hour stint in the milwaukee airport (complete with field trip to the lake via mass trans), but my allergies kicked it into high gear and now i have an ear infection. i've been down for the count since my return. but i'm starting to feel better and went to the Tattered Cover for some reading tonight. and found that some of my favorite publications really delivered this month. my next entry will be semi-inspired by a Jon Stewart interview from SOJOURNER. tonight, a few tidbits from HARPER'S.

  • Estimated percentage of all existing blogs that have not been updated in 4 months: 94
  • Percentage of male British IT workers who say they consider their sex partners' needs before their own: 82
  • Percent by which moderate internet surfers are more productive in their jobs than non-surfers: 9
  • Chances that a Twitter user accesses the service only while at work: 2 in 3

p.s. the cds that i'm missing today are The Boy with the Arab Strap by Belle & Sebastian, the Stones' Some Girls, and Wilco's summerteeth. A trip to Twist & Shout didn't help.

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